fix slow pc

In a culture where many things are going digital, the expectation is that many people will move to work using computers. And a significant problem when working with your computer is when it slows down. Feelings of anger, frustration become too familiar when this happens, mainly the computer being slow makes us barely work or make us inefficient. When the computer starts being slow, it might not long for your computer to shut down completely and stop working entirely. It can be frustrating. No one wants this to happen to them. And here are some ways you can get from Best Essay Help to ensure that you don’t end up in a situation where you have to deal with slow computers. The goal is for you to be and remain productive throughout. Some simple tips that can help you fix a computer that has slowed down.

1. Temporary and unused files should get deleted:


  • Press the Windows key, followed by the F key. It should get done at the same time.
  • Once the search function appears, click on the date modified filter.
  • Choose a modifier with a range of dates, choose your modifier, and click enter to find files within the specified range.
  • The files will appear, and you need to select the files that you no longer use and need. Be careful that you don’t delete crucial files.
  • Once you have chosen the files, Press delete or drag them to the recycle bin.

Temporary: files that accumulate after installing software’s or accumulation of files from the browsing history

  • Go to my computer
  • Select the main drive and choose the Windows folder and click on it.
  • Inside you will find a folder called “Temp.”
  • Inside the temp folder, select older files.
  • Delete the files and also empty the recycle bin.

2. Organize your files by running a disk defragment.

  • Go to my computer
  • Right-click on your main drive and select properties.
  • Under the Tools tab, you will see the option “Defragment Now.”
  • (Note that if you are to perform this function, you need to do it as the day ends when you have finished with your work since the process may take a while)

3. Run disk clean-up

Disk clean-up will eliminate all unnecessary files from your computer and the large ones to free up space. How to go about it:

  • Click on the start menu
  • On the start menu, select ‘All programs’
  • On the next popup select accessories and click on it
  • On the menu that appears choose system tools
  • After this choose disk clean-up

4. Unnecessary programs at startup should get disabled

When you install many programs, a lot of them are usually developed by their creator to run the PC starts automatically. It is often their default settings. Once this happens, the RAM gets overused, and this can cause your computer to be slow. The process of adjusting the programs that open every time the PC starts:

  • Run the task manager: (You achieve this by pressing Ctrl, Alt, and Del)
  • On the pop up that appears click on More Details
  • Select the startup tab
  • From the list of programs, you can automatically choose the plan that does not need to launch at startup.


While trying out a couple of tips to improve your computer’s speed, sometimes they may not work. These strategies do not necessarily deal with complicated issues that may cause the user to drastic measures. Some other problems that might be affecting the speed of your PC might be the RAM. If your RAM capacity is low, you might need to upgrade and see if this might help you. In some instances, you will have to give up on your old computer and settle for a new one. When it comes to such deeper issues, consulting an expert is very important. It is wise to let a professional work on your computer since these issues are a bit more sensitive. Once you figure out what issue has caused the PC to be slow and fix it, you can now focus more on other issues like business operations rather than dealing with technology issues. End your frustration and inefficiencies with the above tip. You do not need to suffer when you can find workable remedies.


By Mia Schmitt

With a Master's degree in Human-Computer Interaction from Stanford University and a background in computer science, Mia seamlessly bridges the gap between design thinking and technical implementation. Her work has been featured in leading tech publications, and she's been a speaker at conferences like SXSW and UX Week.

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